Empty Notebook Ideas

A blog post for my fellow notebook hoarders. We simply cannot resist stationary shops and pretty covers, even though we know we have a growing collection of notebooks still waiting to be filled. I’ve compiled a list of different ways to start using your empty notebooks.

  1. Bullet Journal

    Best suited to dot or grid page notebooks, a bullet journal is part planner / part diary. Bullet journalling is a way to streamline your life into the one system. A lot people also use their bullet journal as a way to practice creativity and mindfulness. Dedicate pages to monthly and weekly planners. Decorate with stickers, tape and cut outs. Learn how to bullet here.

  2. Travel Diary

    Document your adventures while on the go, from your recent memories or plan future adventures. Collect tickets, polaroids and souvenirs to tape inside. Print out snaps to stick down. Sketch what you see. Plan your itineraries. Journal your experiences.

  3. Sketch Book

    Notebooks with plain pages are perfect for sketchbooks. Pack in your bag, and practice drawing things around you. See yourself improve with each new page.

  4. Dream Journal

    Keep this journal on your bedside table. Log your dreams as you wake. Describe who, what, where and odd details. Capture feelings and characters. Later, analyse using an online dream dictionary or see patterns in your sleep.

  5. One Line A Day Journal

    Keep it short, sweet and simple! Just one line, everyday. Share a snippet of your day, a feeling or funny moment. See your year unfold in bite sized memories and tiny tales. This idea is perfect for busy bees.

  6. Secret Diary

    Find a hiding spot for journal and lock it if you like. Write about your day, dreams, anything on your mind. No rules, just be yourself. Put your thoughts on pages.

  7. Ideas Journal

    Shower thoughts, ideas you get at 3am etc.. log them all here! Write down every spark in your brain - big or small. When you’re feeling uninspired or stuck, flip through this journal for instant inspiration. Make sure to keep it by your side for when inspiration hits.

  8. Tracker Diary

    Form and track new habits. Start by listing out your goals. Each day, check off wins & misses. Track habits like; working out, water intake, book chapters etc. Celebrate your wins and learn from slip-ups.

  9. Gratitude Journal

    Everyday, write down three things you’re grateful for. They can be big things or tiny. Reflecting on the good things is a mood booster. Make it a routine and watch positivity grow. This journal will be a little happiness hub!

  10. Morning Pages

    Start your day with a pen, three pages and your thoughts. For this journal, you want to just let your mind spill onto the paper. Write about anything, everything or nothing - it all goes down. This journal is a brain dump, clearing space for a fresh start.

  11. Recipe & Meal Planner

    Fill this notebook with recipes you love and ones you want to try. You can also plan meals for the week and shopping lists.

  12. Baby Book

    Turn your blank notebook into a scapbook for your little one. Glue in pictures and write memories that they can read later in their life.

  13. Creative Writing Prompts

    Gather writing prompts from Pinterest and note them on each page of your notebook. Let the prompts spark your creativity whenever you reach for this journal.

  14. Quote Journal

    Need a place to jot down lovely quotes when you read them? Take notes whenever you hear or read something cool. Include dates if you like. This journal will become a treasure trove of inspiration.

  15. Reading Journal

    Use this notebook to log your thoughts on books you read. Write down title, characters and plot points. Share your thoughts on your latest read.

  16. Junk Journal

    The ultimate in self expression. Collect bits of life and glue them into your journal - old tickets, notes from friends, found treasures etc. A personal scrapbook of memories and treasures.

  17. Hobby Journal

    Keep track of your passions and new hobbies that you want to try. Reflect on your hobbies, write down wins and lessons learnt. Keep track of progress. Write down ideas for inspiration later.

  18. Lists of 100

    This is a simple idea. List 100 things - anything. Some ideas include favourite movies, goals, places to visit. This is a list-maker’s bliss.

  19. Time Tracker

    Take more control over your day. Log your activities inblocks of time. It’s like a time map of your day. Trace tasks, stay organised and spot where time could be used more efficiently.

  20. Unsent Letters

    A therapeutic journey! Pour your heart onto paper without hitting send. Spill your thoughts into a notebook and let the unsaid find a home. Write to people, feelings or moments. It’s your personal release space.

  21. Nature Journal

    Grab a notebook and head outdoors. Record the date, sketch plants and critters. Write about what you see, feel and hear. Stick in treasures you find. A scrapbook for the great outdoors.

  22. Bucket List Notebook

    Note down all the things you’ve always wanted to do - big or small! Make dreams come true, check off items, add new ones and celebrate victories. Turn your wishes into plans.

  23. Personal Finance Journal

    Become financial savvy! Write down your expenses. Be a budget boss with income and set spending goals. Take charge of savings and watch them grow.

  24. Health and Fitness Journal

    Simply log meal plans, workouts and how you feel. Celebrate wins, learn from hiccups and document progress.

  25. Film & Series Tracker

    Watch, ponder and jot down your thoughts on your latest watch. Keep a checklist of movies and series you want to watch. Track your progress in series. Note your favourite characters and plot twists. Happy reviewing!

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