105 Things To Do At Home

On quiet day, a rainy day, or simply a day you just want to make the most of your space, here are 105 things to do at home. This is your ultimate guide to turning the familiar into a cozy fun day. From creative hobbies to mindful moments, this curated list has so many new things for you to try. I hope you enjoy discovering the magic in the everyday, and transforming your home into a canvas of inspiration and cozy experiences.

105 Things To Do At Home

  1. Curate your closet. Decide what to keep or what to sell/donate. Put together outfits you will wear in the future.
    Here’s a handy flow chat for decisions.

  2. Write a gratitude list.

  3. Plan a trip for when you can travel again.

  4. Start a blog.

  5. Press wildflowers.

  6. Go through your instagram feed and write everyone a comment - make it real & meaningful.

  7. Light candles.

  8. Do a face mask.

  9. Make an “At Home” playlist.

  10. Practice at home yoga.
    We love AloMoves or this youtube channel.

  11. Watch a documentary about someone you don’t know much about.

  12. Support your favourite small businesses. Make an order or leave a comment/like.

  13. Start a bullet journal.
    Try a digital bujo.

  14. Write a postcard.
    Here’s some inspiration.

  15. Stretch every morning.

  16. Practice a new make up look.

  17. Pull out your old magazines . Create a collage or moodboard.

  18. Start a book you haven’t read from your bookshelf.

  19. Organise your computer. Clear out trash. Answer all your emails.

  20. Call your best friend.

  21. Catch up on your missed sleep.

  22. Learn a new TikTok dance. Or make up your own.
    {@shethespy on TikTok!}

  23. Reorganise your desk.

  24. Watch a film you’ve been meaning to see.

  25. Learn some meaningless facts.

  26. Write a poem.

  27. Drink lots of water.

  28. Clean your make up brushes.

  29. Fix something that’s broken.

  30. Put on your favourite outfit & take photos.

  31. Watch the clouds from your window.

  32. Practice your splits.

  33. Send a text message to a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.

  34. Look through old photos.

  35. Start a dream journal.

  36. Write a short story.

  37. Take a bath. Use up any bath bombs & bubble bath mixtures you’ve held on to.

  38. Make Spotify playlists complimenting moods and seasons.

  39. Paint something.

  40. Sing. Learn the words to songs you like.

  41. Learn a new language.

  42. Dress up fancy.

  43. Learn something new off youtube.

  44. Go virtual travelling on google maps.

  45. Let your hair grow.

  46. Pick up your instrument again.

  47. Learn five new words.

  48. Sit in the sun.

  49. Do a sudoku puzzle.

  50. Take tea every afternoon.

  51. Clean your keyboard and computer screen.

  52. Read poetry out loud.

  53. Listen to french music & dance around your room.

  54. Pull an all-nighter binging your favourite series.

  55. Take photos by your window.

  56. Finish a puzzle.

  57. Play tetris.

  58. Paint your nails in different colours.

  59. Discover new blogs to read. Leave a comment on posts you like.

  60. Dress in a theme each day: 70s, 90s etc

  61. Play a board game.

  62. Meditate - give your mind a rest.

  63. Go on a virtual museum tour.

  64. Organise your planner for the months ahead.

  65. Throw away your expired beauty products.

  66. Back up your phone and computer.

  67. Catch up on podcasts or discover a new podcast.

  68. Spin a globe and see where your finger lands. Learn all about that place.

  69. Write a song.

  70. Text someone with emojis you never use.

  71. Declutter your pinterest.

  72. Play video games.

  73. Organise your paperwork.

  74. Take a quiz to find out which hogwarts house you belong to.

  75. Camp in the living room.

  76. Make a new exercise schedule.

  77. Call a friend while watching the same film.

  78. Cuddle someone.

  79. Clean your room.

  80. Discover new music.

  81. Take an enneagram quiz.

  82. Organise the apps on your phone.

  83. Try new hairstyles.

  84. Wear soft, comfortable clothes.

  85. Wash your hair.

  86. Google your name.

  87. Write a “Never to be sent” letter.

  88. Unsubscribe to emails you don’t want to receive.

  89. Switch up your framed photos.

  90. Learn to draw flowers.

  91. Update your resume.

  92. Colour in.

  93. Put together a time capsule.

  94. Go through the photos on your phone.

  95. Learn origami.

  96. Write a letter to yourself.

  97. Have a social media detox night.

  98. Play karaoke using youtube.

  99. Take a MBTI quiz.

  100. Leave positive reviews for your recent purchases or places you’ve been.

  101. Go through “that” drawer.

  102. Update your passwords.

  103. Review your morning and nighttime routines.

  104. Note all your friend’s birthdays in your planner - stop relying on facebook.

  105. Have an indoor picnic in your living room.

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